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Decatur Diary | February 1, 2010

Where Do We Go From Here?
The Answer is Up to You.

Welcome to Decatur’s 2010 update to our Strategic Plan.
The process, and the conversation, begin here.

LogoOver the past ten years a lot has changed around Decatur, including our residents. We’ve seen an internet savvy generation come of age, looking for—and expecting to find—online ways to participate in city government. So in response, we’re using this 2010 Strategic Plan Update to try out something new: a dedicated and interactive website. Now, in addition to the rigorous series of in-person Round Tables that will characterize the larger effort (more on that below), we’ll also be posting information here, as it happens, for your review and discussion.

Your first question is probably “What’s this got to do with me?” The answer: Plenty. Ten years ago, nearly 500 Decatur residents came together to set the course for 2000’s first decade, and the resulting Strategic Plan laid out the roadmap for some of our greatest success stories. It influenced our priorities, our infrastructure decisions, our approach to growth, the services and programs offered by city government, and the ease with which we’re able to come together in the comfortable exercise of community.

In short, the Strategic Plan has guided the decisions that affect all of us on a daily basis. Now, ten years later, it’s time to ask the question, “Where to next?”.

We need your help to find out.

EquationIt begins with you, and your commitment to four meetings. That’s it. Over the course of the next several months, we’ll be compiling an army of folks like you with an interest in our city’s future. You’ll gather in one, huge kick-off meeting and then, thereafter, meet with an assigned Round Table group three times over a period of six weeks.

You’ll share your take on life in Decatur. Where you think we’re on track and where we’ve stumbled. What you’re concerned about, and what ideas you have moving forward.

From the chorus of voices, trends and priorities will begin to emerge which, later this year, will be used to set out a new ten year program of goals and initiatives: our Strategic Plan.

We’ve met over 80% of the goals in our last Strategic Plan. That’s an amazing accomplishment and, according to Mayor Bill Floyd, “a testament to the aggressive—yet realistic—directives provided by our citizens ten years ago.”

A high bar, to be sure, but one we can exceed if we put our minds to it. Please lend your time—and your voice—to this effort. Take a look around this site, share your comments, and commit to take part.

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