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Decatur Diary | October 12, 2018

Stormwater Walking Tour to Provide Closer Look at Challenges and Opportunities

Join representatives of the city and its Stormwater Master Plan consultant team Thursday, October 18 from 8-10am for a walking tour of the Oakhurst neighborhood. Participants will explore stormwater situations faced by residents, discuss successes, and envision potential strategies and solutions for the future.

Complementing input gained from the Master Plan’s evening kick-off meeting earlier this month, as well as online data currently being submitted by residents via the stormwater wikipmap, the tour presents an additional, morning opportunity for residents to learn, share, and contribute to the process.

Please join us. Everyone’s welcome.

Thursday, October 18, 8-10am
Meet in Oakhurst Park or, in the event
of bad weather, at 2635 Talley Street

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