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Decatur Diary | October 24, 2010

Join Us, and Help Make Decatur a Lifelong Community for All

Becoming a place where anyone—single, married, black, white, young, old and all variations in between—can become a part of our community and remain a part of our community requires a wide variety of choices that reflect a wide variety of folks. Simply put, needs vary. Not just among different people but across each person’s lifetime. Is Decatur such a place? If not, what can be done?

Those are the issues participants will take on Monday night, October 25, from 7-9pm, as we look at the factors that influence inclusiveness and aging and try to get a sense of how Decatur measures up.

Is everyone, young or old, able to find a home here, then stay and thrive for as long as they'd like?

According to the Atlanta Regional Commission, Lifelong Communities “are places where individuals can live throughout their lifetime; they provide a full range of options to residents, insuring a high quality of life for all.” That means a place that works for kids, for working folks and for seniors.

During the meeting at the Holiday Inn Conference Center, participants will explore a variety of factors related to Housing, Basic Needs, and Community Life, then rank each according to how well (or how poorly) Decatur fares. Those ranked the lowest will warrant discussion of how they might be improved and what potential ideas and initiatives should be worked into the developing Strategic Plan.

Because this issue affects everyone over the course of their entire lifetime, it may be the most important session so far. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

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