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Posts Related To: East Lake MARTA

Decatur Diary | June 25, 2018

East Lake MARTA Vision Prepares for Commission Consideration with Revised Draft

A revised draft of the East Lake MARTA Station LCI Study, responsive to neighboring concerns voiced during an additional round of community input meetings, is now complete and ready for review in advance of consideration by Decatur’s Planning Commission and City Commission...

Decatur Diary | April 26, 2018

Forthcoming Meetings to Consider East Lake MARTA Master Plan

[NOTE: This post has been updated with additional materials and meeting dates.]
The recently completed master plan for the East Lake MARTA station area will soon make its way before the applicable Decatur review boards — first to the Planning Commission, who will issue a recommendation; and then to the City Commission, who will put the plan’s adoption to a vote...

Decatur Diary | March 12, 2018

East Lake MARTA Planning Process Concludes with Community Presentation

Representing each of the neighborhoods surrounding the East Lake MARTA Station, over 80 residents turned out February 26 to hear closing recommendations for the area's future.

What they heard capped six months of broad community participation and input, and detailed how the long-underutilized station might ultimately become a more meaningful “front porch” gathering space and center for adjacent neighbors...

Decatur Diary | February 16, 2018

East Lake MARTA Vision Unveiling February 26: Everyone’s invited

The lengthy community planning process for the East Lake MARTA station area comes to a close on Monday, February 26, when finalized recommendations will be shared by the project team...

Decatur Diary | February 6, 2018

Data Drill-Down: Results released for East Lake MARTA survey

Late last year the first round of concepts was released for MARTA’s long-term redevelopment of its East Lake Station, together with a survey for public assessment and comment. That survey closed January 12...

Decatur Diary | January 10, 2018

Last Chance: Review, Comment on East Lake MARTA Draft Concepts

The Make East Lake MARTA Yours draft concepts survey released last month is coming to a close. All area stakeholders are encouraged to make their voices heard online. Count on 15-20 minutes to complete the survey...

Decatur Diary | December 11, 2017

Review and Comment on First Round East Lake MARTA Concepts

Over the course of the past few months, the Make East Lake MARTA Yours team has met with the surrounding community, talked with commuters, collected input online, led a walking tour and design workshop, and crowdsourced issues and ideas.

Now they’re back with their first round of development concepts for your review...

Decatur Diary | November 20, 2017

East Lake MARTA Walking Audit and Design Workshop Re-Cap

Fueled by pastries and coffee provided by Revolution Doughnuts, over 50 neighboring residents participated in a broad walking audit of the streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes around the East Lake MARTA Station on Saturday November 18th...

Decatur Diary | November 16, 2017

East Lake MARTA Survey Closes Soon: Chime in now

For the past few months, we -- the cities of Decatur and Atlanta, DeKalb County, MARTA and surrounding communities -- have been working together to craft a vision for the future redevelopment of the East Lake MARTA station. From a very well attended kick-off to opportunities for commuters on the go to chime in to this weekend's walking tour audit of the surrounding area, residents and others have come to the table to create positive change for their neighborhoods...

Decatur Diary | November 3, 2017

Walk the Talk: East Lake Station Area Tour and Design Workshop November 18

In late September we kicked off the Make East Lake MARTA Yours process, then followed it up with a day of commuter interviews. Now it's time to explore the on-the-ground details that define our project area, then work those findings into meaningful design scenarios...
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