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Decatur Diary | November 20, 2017

East Lake MARTA Walking Audit and Design Workshop Re-Cap

Fueled by pastries and coffee provided by Revolution Doughnuts, over 50 neighboring residents participated in a broad walking audit of the streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes around the East Lake MARTA Station on Saturday November 18th. Toole Design Group, part of the Make East Lake MARTA Yours consultant team, led the walk, prompting participants to experience the area at pedestrian speed and to provide ideas for making it easier to walk and bike throughout.

Map of the tour. Click for larger view.

Residents then dropped into the Design Workshop at Kirkwood’s Bessie Branham Recreation Center where seven activities were set up to generate ideas and gather feedback. Doggy Dogg food cart was on hand to keep up the brain waves. Individual kiosks presented preliminary concepts — based on feedback from the project’s kick-off and stakeholder meetings — for the East Lake MARTA Station site and a few underutilized sites in the area.

In another activity, the TSW consultant team projected 3D computer modeling of what the concepts could look like at eye-level, which helped give perspective to scale, massing, and building heights as they relate to the surrounding neighborhoods and to the MARTA Station. At three of the tables, team members drew additional ideas in real time based on feedback. At the last kiosk, participants could build their ideal street sections for Park Place, College Avenue, and East Lake Drive.

Upon finishing the activities, participants were treated to frozen sweets from the King of Pops. Below are some photos from the day’s activities. Click any image to view as a slideshow.

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