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Posts Related To: Better Together

Decatur Diary | February 1, 2016

Better Together Community Action Plan: Downloads now available

On December 7 of last year, Decatur’s city commission received the raw content of the proposed Community Action Plan, the end result of our year-long Better Together initiative. Accepted as-is, it was released for formatting as a formally laid-out document with completion expected early in the new year...

Decatur Diary | December 7, 2015

“Now the Real Work Begins:” Community Action Plan accepted by City Commission

Decatur’s city commission accepted the comprehensive draft of the Better Together Community Action Plan Monday evening, bringing to a close a process that, outside 2010’s extensive Strategic Plan, brought more people to the table than any Decatur effort in the past 15 years...

Decatur Diary | December 4, 2015

City Commission to Receive Better Together Community Action Plan Monday Night

On Monday night, December 7, at 7:30pm, a year’s worth of effort will come to a close as representatives of Decatur’s Better Together process present the city commission with a comprehensive draft of content for the Community Action Plan...

Decatur Diary | November 17, 2015

Better Together Public Review and Comment Period Begins Today

Decatur’s 2010 Strategic Plan set the intention -- that city residents value diversity in all its forms -- but it wasn’t until the past several months that that intention was put to the test in the form of the Better Together conversation, a community process working its way towards a formal Community Action Plan...

Decatur Diary | November 16, 2015

City Commission Review of Action Items to Kick Off Community Comment Period

Last Thursday’s community review and consideration of the 71 action items (.pdf) comprising the emerging Better Together Community Action Plan provided the consultant team with a look at which proposed steps were considered by attendees to be most critical...

Decatur Diary | November 13, 2015

Residents Turn Out for First Look at Action Plan Directives

Decatur residents got their first look at the 71 action items comprising the bulk of the city’s emerging Community Action Plan Thursday evening during a spirited gathering of over 100 participants. Beginning with a broad community discussion last August and further engaging residents through an online survey and various small-group conversations, the Better Together process has been a reflective and interactive opportunity to consider how we, as a community, excel (or fail) in our efforts to relate to and accommodate one another...

Decatur Diary | November 9, 2015

Check out the first draft of our Community Action Plan

Working from the contributions of almost a thousand Decatur residents, the Better Together team has been hard at work compiling, distilling and presenting the community’s many ideas in the form of a first draft Community Action Plan. Now that draft will be available for community review and comment on Thursday, November 12 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Marriott Courtyard’s Decatur Conference Center, Ballroom B...

Decatur Diary | September 1, 2015

250+ Gather to Launch Better Together Community Conversation

On Saturday, August 29, more than 250 Decatur neighbors -- residents, students, business owners, retirees and others -- gathered in the Ebster Gym and devoted five hours of their day to a frank and focused conversation on diversity -- sharing their Decatur experience and listening as others did the same. The event marked the formal launch of the Better Together initiative, a substantive community conversation around the myriad differences -- in culture, race, age, abilities, politics, economic resources, and more -- that make us who we are...

Decatur Diary | August 26, 2015

Don’t Miss Saturday’s Kick-Off Conversation: All are welcome!

For the past nine months, Better Together’s organizing committee -- called the Leadership Circle -- has been working to convene a broad community conversation around the myriad differences -- in culture, race, age, abilities, politics, economic resources, and more -- that make us who we are. This Saturday, August 29, from 10am-3pm, that conversation begins, as the now hundreds of registered Decatur residents meet in the gym of the Beacon Municipal Center and begin the process of finding common ground on challenging issues like fairness. Or inclusion. Or equity. Won’t you be one of them? All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Registrations are still being accepted here so please make plans to join us.

Decatur Diary | July 31, 2015

Let’s Go! Better Together participation opportunities announced

Decatur’s Better Together process is facilitating a substantive community conversation around the myriad differences -- in culture, race, age, abilities, politics, economic resources, and more -- that make us who we are. From it, we'll craft a substantive Community Action Plan filled with policy goals and other recommendations for implementing Principle B of Decatur's 2010 Strategic Plan: “Encourage a diverse and engaged community.” And now we’ve got the details on how you can get involved!
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