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Decatur Diary | July 10, 2019

Save the Date: Stormwater meeting to set project priorities

For nearly a year now, residents have been coming together with the city and its AECOM consultant team to help map out a Stormwater Master Plan to carry us through the next decade.

You’re invited to join us for the next in this series of meetings, Tuesday, July 30, from 6-8pm at the Decatur Recreation Center (231 Sycamore Street). Everyone’s welcome.

Through past open houses, presentations, small group discussions, and a walking tour, we as a community have talked about flooding areas, funding, regulations, maintenance, water quality, trees, and green infrastructure. We’ve shared frustrations and identified best practices.

Today, our understanding of the projects and approaches we’ll need to deal with Decatur’s current and future stormwater issues is coming into sharper focus and, with it, comes a need to prioritize the list. Join us as we work together to identify which projects need to happen first. Or last.

We’ll also review our stormwater data model, which was built from resident input to simulate how the system performs during rainstorms. This is the tool by which potential projects will be evaluated so we need it reality checked by you to ensure it matches what you’ve seen on your own streets. 

Make plans now to join us:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Decatur Recreation Center, 231 Sycamore Street


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