It’s been over two years in the making and now, the Decatur Storm Water Master Plan will be presented to the Decatur City Commission in a work session on Monday, November 16 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
The work session is a time for our City Commissioners to learn about the plan, ask questions, and discuss its contents with the planning team. The public is welcome to view via livestream. The session, like all Commission work sessions, will not include opportunity for public input, but the Commission will not take any action on the plan until received in a regular Commission meeting at a later date.
If you have been involved in the community engagement process for the Storm Water Master Plan, you have been an important part of this planning effort and have helped guide the plan in response to community needs.
During the work session, we will discuss the community engagement process and the public input received on the draft plan. We hope you will join us in seeing this long and challenging process through to its end.
To view Monday’s work session, use this link. Information on how to join the meeting and meeting materials can be found there as well.
If you cannot view the meeting live on Monday, a recording will be available at the city’s video streaming page roughly 24 hours later. Click on the “City Commission” heading to the right of the “Live” heading.