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Decatur Diary | June 7, 2023

City Sharing Recommended Improvements for Great Lakes Intersection

City of Decatur Public Works staff will be sharing proposed design improvements for the intersection of Huron and Champlain Streets on Wednesday, June 14, from 6-7pm. The gathering will take place on-site at the affected intersection. Great Lakes residents and other interested neighbors are invited to drop by, provide input, and ask questions.

The initiative is another example of promises kept, as the city continues its implementation of projects recommended in adopted plans from previous years. This particular effort was originally proposed in the 2018 Community Transportation Plan, then designed in accordance with the 2020 Stormwater Master Plan due to its potential for green infrastructure interventions. Both of those plans are also included as tasks in the 2020 Strategic Plan, the city’s to-do list for the next decade.

The intersection’s current configuration includes extensive pavement, a loose curb radius that encourages high speed turns, and a wide crossing distance for pedestrians. Recommended improvements include a narrowed entry to Champlain Street, a new crosswalk and ADA-compliant ramps, bioretention for stormwater, and more.

Got an interest in this intersection? We’ll see you there June 14.

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