As market pressure intensifies in East Decatur, new zoning rules ensure compatible development
In 2002, Decatur residents helped define an ambitious vision for the East Decatur area surrounding the Avondale MARTA station, bordered generally by E College Avenue, S Columbia Drive, and Derrydown Way. But one hurdle remained. The heavy commercial zoning in place for most of the area was incompatible with the goals of the plan.
In May of 2018 the Decatur City Commission rectified the disconnect with their vote to rezone 45.5 acres in the east Decatur area — 66 parcels in all — to allow for and encourage mixed-use and mixed-type development.
As detailed in the presentation that accompanied the vote, the rezoning is intended to “guide growth and future development in the area” over the next 20+ years.
Under the mixed-use zoning, the city encourages the area to be redeveloped as “vibrant and sustainable mixed-use communities combining residential, retail and office uses.” The city also expects such development to “promote diversity in housing and commercial options,” and “create walkable, pedestrian-scaled environments that accommodate and encourage multiple modes of transportation.”