Efforts succeed in 2001
After initiating efforts to acquire the Old Depot from CSX Railroad in 1997, the DDA acquired title to the building in 2001. Using a TE grant from the Georgia DOT and matching funds from the City of Decatur, DeKalb County and Decatur Preservation Alliance, the Old Depot was moved 32 feet away from the tracks in 2003 as required by the sales agreement. A new roof was added and repairs made to stabilize the structure until a tenant could be found.
The Decatur Preservation Alliance raised additional funds to replicate the large roof brackets that were on the original building and negotiated with the PATH Foundation to include major landscaping improvements as part of the PATH trail being constructed. After extensive efforts to find a tenant, the DDA signed a long-term lease with the Depeaux Restaurant in 2006 in exchange for tenant improvements.
The building has since been home to a number of restaurants. It is currently the home of The Kimball House.