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Working UDO Schedule

Phase 03: Final Review and Conclusion


Monday, October 6 | 6:30pm
City Commission reviews new draft in public work session. Community may attend and observe, but there will not be an opportunity to comment.

Tuesday, October 7 | 9am-9pm
All-day Open House at City Hall. Residents can drop by anytime between 9am and 9pm to view the ordinance, ask questions and make comments. Come at 10am, Noon, 4pm or 7pm, and you’ll also get an informal presentation of the current draft.

Consideration and Adoption: Proposed

Tuesday, October 14 | 7pm
The Planning Commission reviews completed articles in their monthly public hearing. Community comment welcome. No vote taken.

Monday, October 20 | 7:30pm
City Commission reviews completed articles as part of their meeting agenda. Community comment welcome. No vote taken.

Wednesday, November 5
Final draft of the UDO (v4.0) released.

Tuesday, November 11 | 7pm
The Planning Commission reviews completed articles in their monthly public hearing and provides recommendation. Community comment welcome.

Monday, November 17 | Work Session: 6:30pm | Meeting: 7:30pm
Comprehensive UDO, comprising all applicable comments and considerations, presented to City Commission for consideration of adoption. Community comment welcome.

Phase 03: Initial Draft Review

July 21: Draft released via both and a 4-day series of Q&A meetings. Initial public review and comment period begins.

August 15: Initial comment and review period ends. New draft, reflecting input, prepared for further review and discussion with the city commission in two September public work sessions.

September: Draft v.02, reflecting input from the community and from our resident boards and commissions, reviewed in September 22 and 24 city commission public work sessions. Depending on their questions, clarification and confirmation of the issues, a release date for the next draft, reflecting their input, and anticipated schedule for the remainder of the process will be announced online later that week.

Phase 03: Draft Release

Review and Comment on the UDO Draft
Drop-by Open House
Monday, July 21 | 9am-4pm | Decatur Recreation Center | 231 Sycamore Street

Review and Comment on the UDO Draft
Drop-by Open House
Tuesday, July 22 | 9am-4pm | Decatur Recreation Center | 231 Sycamore Street

Review and Comment on the UDO Draft
Drop-by Open House
Wednesday, July 23 | 10am-Noon and 7-9pm | The Solarium | Oakhurst Village

Review and Comment on the UDO Draft
Drop-by Open House
Thursday, July 24 | 10am-Noon and 7-9pm | Decatur City Hall | City Commission Room

Phase 02: Complete

Community Character | March 12 | Decatur City Hall | 7-9pm
What defines Decatur’s “community character”? This session attempts to answer that question, as well as how such character might be preserved, and will include a review of possible tools, the advantages and disadvantage of each, and a public discussion around competing goals.

Stormwater | March 26 | Decatur City Hall | 7-9pm
How can post-development stormwater be better managed, and how will such approaches affect concurrent goals such as tree preservation or housing diversity? This session charts the common ground.

Sustainability | April 16 | Decatur City Hall | 7-9pm
How does the community feel about incorporating “green standards” into buildings and sites? If so, how, and under what circumstances?

New/Amended Zoning Districts | April 23 | Decatur City Hall | 7-9pm
The Strategic Plan’s goals for a more diversified housing mix reflect a gap — what we’re calling the missing middle — between our predominantly single-family residential and our downtown. This session explores the idea of transitional districts to accommodate things like live/work units, downtown-friendly townhouses, small-scale apartment buildings, neighborhood-scaled mixed use, cottage courts, and more, and gauges the circumstances under which such solutions might make sense.

Phase 01: Complete

UDO Kick Off and Input on Strategic Plan Themes
Learn what’s happening and share your suggestions.
November 14 | 7-8:30pm | City Hall Commission Meeting Room

UDO Table of Contents Public Meeting
Help determine our “big picture” direction and what initial
recommendations will be made to City Commission.
January 8 | 7-9:00pm | City Hall Commission Meeting Room

City Commission Meeting
Consideration of the UDO’s “big picture” recommendations and recommended policy changes will be on the agenda.
February 3 | 7:30pm | City Hall Commission Meeting Room

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