Decatur Next

Decatur Diary | April 12, 2010

Uncle Stephen Wants You: Top 5 Reasons to Join the Round Tables

WWTCD (What Would The Commodore Do)? Participate!

We’re now just a few days from the Decatur Next April 15th Kick Off Meeting. Our count to-date is 475 registrants from across the Decatur community, putting us just short of the five hundred who participated in 1998. Those already involved reflect a diverse mix of voices across multiple lines — race, income, interests, household type and political inclinations, to name but a few. In short, they look a whole lot like our city overall.

If you’ve already registered to participate, thank you. But if you haven’t, consider these Top Five Reasons why you might want to reconsider:

Your time is valuable. We make sure it’s not wasted.
Here in Decatur, strategic plans get implemented. More than 80% of the goals in our 2000 plan have come, or are on their way, to fruition.

You set the agenda.
Why do our elected officials pursue the things they do? Because residents ten years ago told them to. What do you want them pursuing for the next ten years?

Your guidance is the Commission’s guide.
Not surprisingly, our most difficult issues — annexation, for example — have been those that our previous plan failed to anticipate. What will we likely confront during our next decade? If you have ideas for how our city should move forward, now’s the time to put them on the table.

Great ideas begin with the individual.
You have ideas that are uniquely your own. If they’re good, they can rise to become key contributors to our quality of life over the next decade. This is the forum where that can happen.

It’s bigger than just planning.
As our 1998 efforts confirmed, Round Table planning increases your sphere of connections within the community. Simply put, you meet new neighbors, and make new friends.

Convinced? We hope so. Decatur’s future will benefit from your participation. Register today, and we’ll see you Thursday night, the 15th, 6:30pm at the Holiday Inn Conference Center.

Let’s break 500 and beat our 1998 effort!


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