Posts Related To: Where To Next
Decatur Diary | April 16, 2010
Round Tables Begin as Record Crowd of 600+ Attends Kick-Off
Filed Under: 2010 Strategic Plan
The packed-house gathering on April 15 was in the ballroom of the Holiday Inn. But you could probably hear the Sehwe Village Percussion group’s African drums a mile away. It was the perfect celebratory launch for the 2010 community Round Tables that will set the stage for the City’s strategic planning for the next decade.
What’s the big deal? An enduring legacy...
Decatur Diary | April 12, 2010
Uncle Stephen Wants You: Top 5 Reasons to Join the Round Tables
Filed Under: 2010 Strategic Plan
We’re now just a few days from the Decatur Next April 15th Kick Off Meeting. Our count to-date is 475 registrants from across the Decatur community, putting us just short of the five hundred who participated in 1998. Those already involved reflect a diverse mix of voices across multiple lines -- race, income, interests, household type and political inclinations, to name but a few. In short, they look a whole lot like our city overall.
If you’ve already registered to participate, thank you. But if you haven’t, consider these Top Five Reasons why you might want to reconsider...
Decatur Diary | March 29, 2010
Keeping Decatur on Track:
It’s Up to You, Plus One
Filed Under: 2010 Strategic Plan
Here’s what we like to hear from Decatur residents: In the latest citizens’ survey, taken in 2008, 97 percent of respondents checked the “excellent” or “good” categories when rating Decatur as a place to live, and 93 percent said their town was an “excellent” or “good” place to raise children...
Decatur Diary | February 16, 2010
Ready for Decatur’s Next Decade?
Let’s Talk.
Filed Under: 2010 Strategic Plan
If we’re preparing ourselves for a community discussion about Decatur priorities over the next 10 years, we should start with the obvious questions:
What do we value most about living and working here? And what should be on our to‐do list for the next decade?
Decatur Diary | February 15, 2010
We’ll Plan and Implement.
That’s a Promise.
Filed Under: 2010 Strategic Plan
There’s a lot of talk these days about “a deficit of trust” in American civic life. But not in our city. Why is that?
Part of the reason may be that, over the past 30 years, under successive City administrations, Decatur elected officials and City staff have worked with residents to plan together for the future. Then, they've consistently used those plans as marching orders.