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Decatur Diary | June 13, 2016

Residents Gather for Comp Planning’s Summary of Findings

With three months, six public participation opportunities, and an online survey behind us, together with the resulting input of nearly 1,500 residents, Decatur’s now got a solid sense of community opinion as it relates to the city’s growth — from demographics, economic development and transportation to land use, affordable housing, and natural and cultural resources.

That opinion, together with a variety of “facts on the ground,” was presented to an enthusiastic gathering on Wednesday, June 8, followed by a public Q&A in which the many findings were reaffirmed by those in attendance.

A few highlights:

  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, Decatur residents identified the City Schools of Decatur as our top asset.
  • CSD has achieved the highest rate of high school graduation in the metro area, despite higher rates of student poverty than Fulton, Cobb, and Gwinnett counties.
  • 61% of homeowners in Decatur have household incomes in excess of $100,000.
  • Almost 3 out of every 4 participants support the idea of mandatory inclusionary housing in future multifamily development.
  • Two thirds of respondents have found parking or traffic issues to be a barrier to patronizing downtown service and retail businesses, though almost 80% routinely walk as a form of transportation.

Review the full presentation here. And if you still want a chance to see it delivered in person, join us tomorrow night — Tuesday, June 14 — at 7pm where it will be presented to the city’s Planning Commission.

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