Whether for transportation, exercise, or just to avoid downtown parking, Decatur residents walk. A lot. And when we don’t, it’s most commonly because we’ve got too much else going on.
We don’t bike as much as we walk but not because we don’t want to. Instead, we’re seeking safer accommodations and support, by a margin of three to one, continued efforts to reconfigure our streets to better serve all modes of transportation equally — biking, walking, or traveling by car.
We like our city, and its people too. 85% of us are satisfied with our experiences as residents and almost 90% feel a strong sense of connection to neighbors. We further welcome a broader and more diverse community — especially through cottage and tiny home development or other forms of small-scale neighborhood infill.
There’s a lot we share. But don’t interpret these broad trends to suggest we’re all on the same page all the time. Not surprisingly, we’ve got a lot of opinions.
Results released
During the community engagement phase of our 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update, over a thousand residents responded to a lengthy online survey covering everything from transportation to affordable housing to green space to budget allocation.
Those results — all 272 pages of them — are now available for download and review (minus anything personally identifying the respondents). Take a look and discover the wide diversity of perspective informing our Comprehensive Planning process.
What’s next?
If you’d like to see how these survey results, along with all the other public input, is shaping Decatur’s planning efforts, join us Tuesday, August 9 at 7:00pm where a draft of the Comprehensive Plan Update will be presented to the city’s Planning Commission, or Monday, August 15 for presentation to the City Commission. That draft will thereafter be released here on Decatur Next for a 30-day public review and comment period. So stay tuned.