Accompanying the first round of draft options for the former United Methodist Children’s Home property presented April 30th was an online survey allowing residents and other stakeholders to comment on their preferences and concerns.
That survey closes Sunday, May 13 so don’t miss your opportunity to contribute to the plan’s next iteration. You can get up to speed by reviewing presentation materials and additional details here, then take the survey here.
Are these options set in stone?
The visioning process for the former children’s home property is very much a work in progress. Community priorities voiced over the past several months are presently shown across three possible options illustrating how space could be allocated in pursuit of different goals.
These options help us see how land gets organized and used in different scenarios but are not representative of any efforts or partnerships currently underway.
For example, different housing scenarios, depicted in response to requests for affordable housing, show only how different numbers of units might be included and in what types of buildings. They do not indicate who might be living in the units, what level(s) of affordability might be represented, or what partner(s) might emerge to take on the task of building and managing them. There are no housing providers or developers presently engaged by the city on this process. They would need to be identified in the future and their respective proposals considered.
Similarly, athletic facilities shown in some of the options depict only the space required to accommodate them, their associated parking needs, etc. Should they emerge as part of our finalized plans, they’ll require financial and operational partners on board to ultimately be implemented.
The same is generally true for all proposed uses within the site and it’s expected that our finalized plan will be a hybrid compilation of elements from the current three options. So be sure to follow the link and share your thoughts today!
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