Decatur Next

Decatur Diary | December 13, 2018

Housing Summit Efforts Continue with Commission Work Session

Maintaining the momentum of November’s Housing Summit, planning department intern Andre’ Westbrook will address the City Commission in an open-to-the-public work session on Monday, December 17, at 6:15pm to present on what occurred over the course of the day-long event, highlight some of the presenters’ topics, and share the recommendations that surfaced from table activities.

A comprehensive collection of materials from the Summit, including the summary report, displays, and videotaped speakers, can be found here.

Andre’s presentation will afford the City Commission an opportunity to better understand the perspectives and goals of the community members who attended the Summit. Such understanding is key to their ongoing deliberations on how to move forward.

Everyone’s welcome to attend, but keep in mind that public comment is not taken at work sessions. Please join us.

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