In mid July, after almost 9 months of increasingly focused public meetings, the UDO process finally arrived at an initial draft — a draft subsequently subjected to 22 hours of open house discussion with residents and 4 exploratory topics for online consideration via Open City Hall. From that, together with additional comments that came in, a second, work-in-progress draft was released and presented for review by the city commission in two September work sessions.
Based on direction provided in those sessions, we now have, for final public review, a largely comprehensive third draft. We say largely because we want to leave room for the various nips and tucks common to a document of this size; anything that might still be undergoing legal review; or anything that might come up during this final period of city and public review.
Here’s the remaining schedule:
Monday, October 6 | 6:30pm
City Commission reviews new draft in public work session. Community may attend and observe, but there will not be an opportunity to comment.
Tuesday, October 7 | 9am-9pm
All-day Open House at City Hall. Residents can drop by anytime between 9am and 9pm to view the ordinance, ask questions and make comments. Come at 10am, Noon, 4pm or 7pm, and you’ll also get an informal presentation of the current draft.
Consideration, in whole or in part
Tuesday, October 14 | 7pm
The Planning Commission reviews completed articles in their monthly public hearing. Community comment welcome.
Monday, October 20 | 7:30pm
Completed articles, comprising all applicable comments and considerations, presented to City Commission for consideration of adoption. Community comment welcome.