The fact that our city leaders deferred decision on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) during their meeting October 20 was no big surprise. As followers of this process know, it’s been an enormous undertaking. And while it’s true that the vast majority of the UDO is comprised of the same regulations we had before, just cleaned up and reorganized for easier and more efficient use, it still adds up to a considerable body of content — some new — that, not surprisingly, requires a considerable amount of review, discussion and consideration.
Today, we’re in the final stretch as we release the UDO’s concluding draft to be presented to the applicable commissions this month, capping a year-long process hammering it out.
Here’s the schedule from here on out:
Wednesday, November 5
Final draft of the UDO (v4.0), together with all supplementary standards, released.
Tuesday, November 11 | 7pm
The Planning Commission reviews completed articles in their monthly public hearing and provides recommendation. Community comment welcome.
Monday, November 17 | Work Session: 6:30pm | Public Hearing: 7:30pm
Comprehensive UDO, comprising all applicable comments and considerations, presented to City Commission for consideration of adoption. Community comment welcome.
If you’re interested in seeing the legacy of meetings and open houses that have gotten us to this point, go here. And to explore previous drafts and other archival materials, go here.
As always, thanks, everyone, for the time you’ve invested. It’s definitely been worth the effort. When all is said and done, Decatur will be well positioned with a body of regulations suited to the next-generation challenges of the decades ahead.
Adopted! City Commission unanimously approved the Unified Development Ordinance, putting it on track to become effective February 1, 2015. Between now and then will likely be a few nips and tucks associated with typographical errors, as well as a few addendums which will be presented as part of forthcoming commission agendas and require require subsequent votes.