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Decatur Diary | August 28, 2020

Here’s How to Review, Comment on Draft Stormwater Master Plan

We’re wrapping up Decatur’s Stormwater Master Plan with some final opportunities for community review and comment. Here’s everything you need to know:

Two years ago, Decatur residents joined together with city staff and their AECOM consultant team to kick off a process to address the city’s stormwater issues in the years ahead. Since that time we’ve explored infrastructure via an Oakhurst walking tour, discussed regulations and options, considered approaches, set priorities for evaluating potential projects, reviewed real-world modeling, and provided closing input on emerging recommendations.

That extensive and methodical effort has now culminated in a draft Stormwater Master Plan headed for City Commission consideration. But before it does, you’ve got one last opportunity to chime in.

September will be our month-long public review period

Whether you’ve been engaged since the beginning or are just now plugging in, everyone will have plenty of opportunity to review and comment on the proposed draft. Everything you need to know can be found here.

We look forward to your participation.


  1. Catherine Fox says

    The current stormwater utility fee is $100/year per residential parcel whereas the new fees range from $114/year to $399/year. How do these fees compare with the utility fees in other communities in GA?

  2. Catherine Fox says

    If the increase in stormwater utility is truly needed to the extent of what is proposed, I suggest that it be implemented over a ten to twenty year period consistent with the schedule of the proposed infrastructure improvements.

  3. Catherine Fox says

    I suggest that the City institute a Stormwater Utility Commission made up of knowledgeable rate payers (residential and commercial) that can review proposed projects and costs. This committee could be integrated with the Environmental Sustainability Commission and a new Tree Commission, and be given power to approve or deny projects based on environmental considerations similar to that of the Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission.

  4. Thanks Catherine, we have noted your comments.

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