Decatur Next

Our Commitment

A Decades-Long Work in Progress

Marta Opens Decatur Station

Completed 1979

Marta Opens Decatur Station
As proposals emerge for massive redevelopment, citizen concerns generate creation of the Downtown Redevelopment Task Force.
Redevelopment Task Force


Redevelopment Task Force
Public input sessions propel new visioning effort and result in creation of the Town Center Plan.
Town Center Plan

Adopted 1982

Town Center Plan
With formal adoption, the Town Center Plan charts a new course for downtown, becoming the basis for Decatur's renaissance.
One Town Center Comes Online

Completed 1985

One Town Center Comes Online
The Town Center Plan's first tangible outcome emerges with construction of a new downtown office building.
Restaurant Renaissance

Beginning 1987

Restaurant Renaissance
Entrepreneurial investment in downtown establishes the local business community as key implementation partners.
Downtown Hotel and Convention Center

Completed 1988

Downtown Hotel and Convention Center
Unique public-private partnership makes good on key Town Center Plan directive.
Ponce Plaza Offices Open

Completed 1991

Ponce Plaza Offices Open
Deft negotiating by the DDA finds a common ground solution with developer.
Streetscape Enhancements

Funded 1993

Streetscape Enhancements
New sources of funding launches years of downtown streetscape improvements.
Bus Relocation and Bandstand

Completed 1996

Bus Relocation and Bandstand
Livability takes a big step forward with key enhancements to the downtown Marta station and surrounding area.
CVS Development Challenges Assumptions

Completed 1998

CVS Development Challenges Assumptions
Development proposal reveals weaknesses in the city's downtown vision and spurs revisions for more predictable results.
Ice House Lofts Open

Completed 1999

Ice House Lofts Open
Creative design overcomes an ideological impasse with the U.S. Department of the Interior and brings the city's first new apartments in ten years online.
2000’s Ten Year Strategic Plan


2000’s Ten Year Strategic Plan
Residents and businesses unite to address conflict and chart a new course forward.
Towne Square Condos Open

Completed 2000

Towne Square Condos Open
Downtown's first residential development sets the standard for a whole new neighborhood.
Title Acquired to Depot

Acquired 2001

Title Acquired to Depot
Creative partnering saves a community landmark, then slowly brings it back to life.
Avondale Station Area Plan

Completed 2002

Avondale Station Area Plan
Transit-oriented neighborhood master plan builds upon the success of the city’s on-going revitalization efforts
SunTrust Building Replaces Parking Lot

Completed 2004

SunTrust Building Replaces Parking Lot
A willingness to compromise on both sides fosters redevelopment of key downtown parcel.
Renaissance Condos Open

Completed 2005

Renaissance Condos Open
Innovative structural design transforms existing parking deck into new, mixed-use building.
Comprehensive Plan

Updated 2005

Comprehensive Plan
State mandated policy document provides for a midterm check-up of our larger strategic goals and accomplishments.
335 W. Ponce Condos Open

Completed 2005

335 W. Ponce Condos Open
West Ponce's Deco/Modern past is augmented with a new, mixed-use, postmodern project.
Artisan Condos Open

Completed 2006

Artisan Condos Open
Signature project furthers downtown housing through redevelopment of surface parking lot at key intersection.
2007 Transportation Plan

Completed 2007

2007 Transportation Plan
Ambitious 2007 plan gets Decatur on the move, with equal focus on mobility, access, choice, and health.
Cultural Arts Master Plan

Completed 2010

Cultural Arts Master Plan
Arts-minded residents work with city to examine and leverage assets citywide.
2010’s Ten Year Strategic Plan


2010’s Ten Year Strategic Plan
City residents and businesses repeat and build upon the success of 2000's Strategic Plan, completing a new blueprint for the coming decade.
Zoning Task Force

Convened 2011

Zoning Task Force
Resident-led committee addresses areas where city ordinances fail to support the Strategic Plan.
Environmental Sustainability Plan

Adopted 2012

Environmental Sustainability Plan
Decatur gets green with a hard look at sustainability goals.
Unified Development Ordinance


Unified Development Ordinance
Extensive community process picks up where Zoning Task Force left off.
Place on Ponce Opens

Completed 2015

Place on Ponce Opens
Long pursued project leads the pack in new, downtown rental housing.
Better Together

Accepted 2015

Better Together
Expansive community conversation generates ideas for making Decatur a more fair, welcoming, and inclusive city.
Alexan 1133 Opens

Completed 2016

Alexan 1133 Opens
Residential building fills key hole in Commerce Drive streetscape.
The ARLO Opens

Completed 2016

The ARLO Opens
For-rent trend continues, adding to the diversity of the city’s residential offerings.
Comprehensive Plan

Updated 2016

Comprehensive Plan
State mandated policy document provides for a midterm check-up of our larger strategic goals and accomplishments.
PATH Connectivity Plan

Adopted 2016

PATH Connectivity Plan
Collaborative plan sets out to improve walking and biking as viable modes of transportation citywide.
E. Decatur Mixed-Use Zoning

Passed 2018

E. Decatur Mixed-Use Zoning
As market pressure intensifies in East Decatur, new zoning rules ensure compatible development.
2018 Transportation Plan

Adopted 2018

2018 Transportation Plan
Keeping Decatur mobile in an era of growth and change.
East Lake MARTA Master Plan


East Lake MARTA Master Plan
Transformative, transit-oriented plan for long underutilized station area emerges from lengthy community process.
Decatur Housing Summit


Decatur Housing Summit
Day-long event, months in the planning, puts focus on housing affordability.
Legacy Park Master Plan

Adopted 2018

Legacy Park Master Plan
Community participation lays out long-term goals for the city's new, 77-acre green jewel.
Cortland Decatur East Opens

Completed 2019

Cortland Decatur East Opens
Decatur welcomes its first transit-oriented development outside of downtown.
Hampton Inn + Suites Opens

Completed 2019

Hampton Inn + Suites Opens
New hotel expands lodging options and conference possibilities in downtown Decatur.
AMLI Infill Block Opens

Completed 2019

AMLI Infill Block Opens
Mixed uses put key downtown site back on the city's tax rolls.
Legacy Park Housing Plan

Adopted 2019

Legacy Park Housing Plan
Additional efforts put finer point on Legacy Park affordability ambitions.
Affordable Housing Task Force

Accepted 2020

Affordable Housing Task Force
Citizen task force report gets tactical with affordable housing recommendations
Arcadia Decatur Opens

Completed 2020

Arcadia Decatur Opens
Three story apartment complex continues trend in transit-oriented development.
Inclusionary Zoning Enacted

Passed 2020

Inclusionary Zoning Enacted
City Commission takes swift action following release of Affordable Housing Task Force Report.
Stormwater Master Plan

Adopted 2020

Stormwater Master Plan
Decatur gets serious about the challenges of urban stormwater with this extensive community process.
2020 Strategic Plan

Adopted 2021

2020 Strategic Plan
A community-driven opportunity to map out priorities, policies, and projects for the next ten years.
Publix + Notion Project Opens

Completed 2021

Publix + Notion Project Opens
Mix of uses brings walkable retail, including grocery, to eastside residents.
Clean Energy Plan

Adopted 2022

Clean Energy Plan
Decatur offers regional leadership on local climate action via clean energy.
Missing Middle Housing

Passed 2023

Missing Middle Housing
Decatur creates a pathway for more middle income earners to find housing within city neighborhoods.
Recreatur Plan

Adopted 2023

Recreatur Plan
Decatur works out its parks and recreation master plan.
Modera Decatur Opens

Completed 2023

Modera Decatur Opens
Mixed use project replaces suburban-style, automobile-focused bank branch.

Decatur Diary | June 16, 2023

N. Decatur Road Designs to be Presented Wednesday, June 21

Late last year, interested residents turned out to “help shape a safer, more habitable future for North Decatur Road.” Now, on Wednesday, June 21 from 6-8pm, the project team returns to unveil proposed design solutions culled from the community’s input.

The meeting will be held at the North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Road. It is organized as a presentation and Q&A, followed by an opportunity for further community input, so participants are encouraged to arrive by 6pm...

Decatur Diary | June 8, 2023

Track and Field Input Process Wraps with June 13 Open House

The Decatur community is invited to join city and school representatives on Tuesday, June 13 from 6-8pm in Legacy Park’s Hawkins Dining Hall for the third of three track and field public input sessions. The session follows an open house in April and pop-up input booth in May...

Decatur Diary | June 7, 2023

City Sharing Recommended Improvements for Great Lakes Intersection

City of Decatur Public Works staff will be sharing proposed design improvements for the intersection of Huron and Champlain Streets on Wednesday, June 14, from 6-7pm. The gathering will take place on-site at the affected intersection. Great Lakes residents and other interested neighbors are invited to drop by, provide input, and ask questions...

Decatur Diary | April 11, 2023

Public Open House to Kick-Off Track and Field Design Process

The City of Decatur and City Schools of Decatur welcome all interested community members to an open house on Tuesday, April 18, to meet the planning team and share ideas for the new track and field at Legacy Park. The open house will be held from 6 pm to 8 pm in Hawkins Dining Hall at the rear of the Legacy Park Administration Building, 500 South Columbia Drive...

Decatur Diary | April 10, 2023

Don’t Forget: Derrydown Way stormwater meeting this Thursday

Residents and others interested in the Derrydown area are encouraged to join us Thursday, April 13 from 6-8pm in the Legacy Park dining hall, 500 S. Columbia Drive for presentation of new stormwater proposals, together with discussion and Q&A...

Decatur Diary | March 23, 2023

Derrydown Way stormwater proposal to be presented Thurs., April 13

Roughly a year ago, the city began work on its first four improvement areas associated with Decatur's 2020 Stormwater Master Plan. In early March we explored proposed designs for two of those areas — around Brower and McClean Streets, and around Park Drive and Candler Street. Now we're unveiling similar work to address issues on and around Derrydown Way.

If you're a resident of or are otherwise interested in the Derrydown area, make plans now to join us Thursday, April 13 from 6-8pm in the Legacy Park dining hall, 500 S. Columbia Drive for community review and discussion...

Decatur Diary | February 22, 2023

Select stormwater proposals ready for your review, Thurs., March 2

Roughly a year ago, the city began work on its first four improvement areas associated with Decatur's 2020 Stormwater Master Plan. Two of those areas — the area around Brower and McClean Streets, and the area around Park Drive and Candler Street — have concept plans now ready for community review and discussion.

If you're a resident of or are otherwise interested in either area, make plans now to join us Thursday, March 2nd from 6-8pm in the Legacy Park dining hall, 500 S. Columbia Drive...

Decatur Diary | December 9, 2022

N. Decatur Road Effort Underway; Online Survey Opens

On Wednesday, December 7, nearly 50 Decatur and DeKalb residents came out to help shape a safer, more habitable future for North Decatur Road.

City officials, public works employees, members from local neighborhood associations, and representatives from Marta, Emory, and Dekalb County joined them in learning more about the difficult corridor and sharing personal experiences and ideas for improvement...

Decatur Diary | December 7, 2022

Don’t Miss Tonight’s Meeting on the Future of North Decatur Road

Don’t forget! Street Smarts: The North Decatur Road Initiative kicks off tonight, Wednesday, December 7, from 6-8pm at the North Decatur Presbyterian Church, 611 Medlock Road, Decatur.

This is your chance to join with your neighbors to make the city’s northern edge a safer and more habitable roadway for pedestrians, bicyclists, those with disabilities, motorists, and adjacent property owners...

Decatur Diary | November 17, 2022

New Community Effort to Address North Decatur Road Safety Issues

In 2018, Decatur’s Community Transportation Plan set forth general safety improvement recommendations for North Decatur Road’s long-discussed intersection with Superior Avenue. And in 2020, hundreds of residents participating in the city’s 10-year Strategic Planning process rallied behind those recommendations and reaffirmed the need for action along the corridor.

Today we take our first step towards making the city’s northern edge a safer and more habitable roadway for pedestrians, bicyclists, those with disabilities, motorists, and adjacent property owners...
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